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Jesuit Identity

The Graduate at Graduation
The graduate at graduation

In 1981, the Jesuit high schools of the United States created The Profile of the Graduate of a Jesuit High School at Graduation. Therefore, the lay and Jesuit faculty aim to foster and encourage the development of graduates who will be intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving and committed to a strong sense of justice.

Graduates will be intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving and committed to a strong sense of justice.

Seeking Intellectual Excellence

The graduate is encouraged to exhibit a mastery of academic skills for advanced education and development of character. He is trained in basic study and research skills so that he is prepared for life-long creative learning. He is developing an aesthetic capacity. The graduate is developing intellectual integrity and honesty. His repertoire of knowledge enables him to view his community in a compassionate and hopeful way. Similarly, he is developing a critical consciousness, which enables him to analyze and question the issues facing our society. He is learning that different branches of knowledge provide alternate approaches to truth.

Open to Growth

The MUHS graduate takes some intentional responsibility for his own growth. He strives to grow in the realization and use of his talents. He is beginning to understand that leadership is a vehicle of growth for both himself and others. The graduate is learning how to learn. Consequently, he desires learning as a life-long process to develop imagination, feelings, conscience, and intellect. He is developing compassion for others by respecting diversity and by accepting and offering constructive criticism. The graduate is willing to risk new experiences and recognizes them as opportunities to grow. A close relationship with God enables him to nurture such openness.


The graduate knows that God loves him and he returns that love through prayer and service. He has begun to experience a personal relationship with God and has reflected on that relationship in prayer. He seeks to recognize the work of God in others. He is aware that the Catholic Church is an instrument to aid personal development. The graduate seeks to develop a personal faith that recognizes injustices and promotes just actions.


The MUHS graduate is seeking to understand and to love himself and others. His relationships are deepening as he tries to move beyond self-interest and to disclose himself, accepting the mystery of other persons and cherishing these persons. The graduate is not a fully confident, loving adult, yet he is beginning to integrate his interests, concerns, feelings, and sexuality into his whole personality. The graduate, to the best of his abilities, gives himself to others in service and is becoming sensitive to the beauty and fragility of the created universe

Committed to Justice

The MUHS graduate is developing a strong sense of the dignity and equality of all persons. He is beginning to acknowledge and respect all people, regardless of race, sex, religion or ethnic background. He has begun to acquire skills toward improving his world, whether that be through his family, his school, his career, his city, or his nation. He is beginning to understand individual and structural injustices. The graduate knows that God can be found in all things. In working toward a just world, the graduate is preparing to contribute his gifts and talents developed at MUHS to his community. He is becoming aware of his participation in bringing God's kingdom to reality.

The Jesuit order of Catholic priests and brothers has embraced the belief that true education should develop not only the intellect, but also moral and spiritual character.

A Marquette University High School education aims not only for the mind, but also the heart and soul. The experience is more than an acquisition of knowledge; it's a transformational education that challenges you to develop the goals and values that will shape the rest of your life.

Education should develop not only the intellect, but also moral and spiritual character.

In the Jesuit tradition, the school aims at both academic excellence as well as the growth of the whole person in its task of preparing young men for college and subsequent leadership in the community.

Therefore, it challenges and respects each student's talents, needs, and potential with a course of study that includes art, English, world languages, social studies, mathematics, music, physical education, science, speech, and theology.

There is a wide variety of co-curricular activities to facilitate healthy social, emotional, intellectual, and physical development. An active pastoral program, involving counseling, social service experience, retreats, and liturgies, promotes religious growth in Jesus Christ as the model and inspiration of our community. We invite you to learn more about the Society of Jesus, our unique Jesuit heritage.