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Academic Adjustments

What is Marquette University High School's Policy for Students with Learning Differences and Special Needs?

Marquette University High School’s commitment to justice extends to providing additional learning support to eligible students. MUHS maintains this Policy for Students with Learning Differences and Special Needs to insure that all of its students are provided with the same opportunities to learn. MUHS is committed to providing support to qualified students with some disabilities or diagnosed learning differences, including temporary conditions. MUHS seeks to address the needs of these students with services and adjustments to allow them to thrive and flourish in the school’s college preparatory curriculum. The school may not be able to support all adjustments given personnel and program limitations.

Jesuit Ideals and Learning:
In keeping with the Jesuit values on education and cura personalis, procedures are created, maintained, implemented, and provided to interested parties. Individuals seeking adjustments may contact Cheryl Warner, Director of Learning Services.

Requisite for Seeking Adjustments in School:
Parents seeking long-term and short-term adjustments, and adjustments for prospective students should complete the MUHS Learning Differences/Special Needs Form.

Requisite for Seeking Adjustments for ACT or College Board:
Students seeking adjustments for ACT or College Board (Advanced Placement, PSAT, SAT and Subject exams) standardized testing should contact the College Counseling office at MUHS. The guidelines and procedures of those testing companies may be accessed on the ACT and College Board websites.

Implementation of Adjustments in the Classroom:
The decision to include adjustments in a learning plan will be made on a case-by-case basis. The review process will be contingent upon the school’s ability to accommodate an adjustment as well as its impact on the overall social and educational environment of the school.

Teachers will implement and abide by adjustments determined to be necessary by the MUHS review process. They may provide additional adjustments on a case-by-case basis; however, they will not be expected or required to provide adjustments beyond those identified and agreed to in the review process.

Students and Medication
The Counseling Department must be notified if a student is taking medication on a regular basis. This includes, but is not limited to, students who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder or a related condition and are taking medication. Parents are urged to dispense and monitor their son’s medications carefully. Any misuse or distribution of prescription medication will subject a student to immediate dismissal from Marquette High.

Students and In-Patient Treatment
Marquette High wishes to cooperate fully with professional treatment personnel to provide support to a student returning to school after in-patient treatment. To facilitate a smooth transition back to the school setting we request the following take place before the student returns: (1) the parent/guardian/student must sign a release of information waiver for information pertinent to the student’s ability to function in the school setting, (2) the professional who has worked with the student must contact the Director of Counseling and (3) the parent/guardian and returning student must meet with an administrator and counselor to work out details regarding the student’s return to school. In some circumstances a determination may be made that a student should begin a new educational program, and when this is the case, MUHS will assist in this transition.

Go Forth and Teach: The Characteristics of a Jesuit Education states:

Since education is a life-long process, Jesuit education tries to instill a joy in learning and a desire to learn that will remain beyond the days of school. Perhaps even more important than the formation we give them is the capacity and concern to continue their own formation: this is what we must instill in them. It is to learn; but it is much more important to learn how to learn, to desire to go on learning all through life.