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Marquette University Partnerships

The Marquette Experience Pathway

Marquette University High School offers a unique opportunity to sophomores who are interested in exploring Marquette University for college. This opportunity between the two Jesuit institutions is called the Marquette Experience Pathway.

The Pathway program is designed to provide sophomores at MUHS access to exclusive Marquette campus and community touchpoints throughout their MUHS career, enhanced admission counseling during their college application process, and the potential for merit-based scholarships.

The Pathway program is specifically crafted for sophomores at MUHS who are already highly interested in attending Marquette University for college and continuing their Jesuit educational experience.

John Stollenwerk, a 1958 Marquette High alumnus and a 1962 Marquette University alumnus, established the Pathway program along with his wife, JoEllen, a 1966 Marquette University alumna, with a $2.5 million gift. A former member of the both the university and high school's governing boards, John Stollenwerk described his educational experience as a "discipline of love" and also said his family took this step to help reduce the financial burden on families. He touted both schools for their "academic excellence, discipline and education grounded in values."

Marquette University Credits 

Current MUHS students may take courses at Marquette University during the January-term, summer, and spring semesters at a significantly discounted tuition ($500 for a 3-credit course). Information about enrollment in a MU course should be requested through the Assistant Principal for Academics.

MU Credit Transfer Report

Stollenwerk Scholarship

Through the generosity of the Stollenwerk Family, the Stollenwerk Family Merit-Based Scholarship Pathways Fund was established to support two Marquette University High School students in attending Marquette.

In close collaboration with Marquette University High School, Marquette University will award the Stollenwerk Scholarship each spring to two admitted students who have demonstrated strong academic performance in high school.

Scholarship Information

Award Amount 

  • $5,000 (1 award)


  • December 1 (apply for admission)

Selection Guidelines

  • Must attend Marquette University High School
  • Must be admitted to Marquette University


  • All eligible students will automatically be considered.
  • Students with questions should reach out to Rose Howard at