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Request Transcript

Marquette University High School provides a couple of ways that you can acquire your high school transcript.


Copies of high school transcripts are now available to MUHS alumni electronically through a partnership with Parchment. You will need to create an account with Parchment to complete your request, which requires payment with a debit or credit card.


How to create an Account in Parchment 

How to Request a Transcript through Parchment 


Mail/In Person

If you would prefer to make a request by mail or in person, send a completed MUHS Transcript Request Form and check made payable to MUHS for $5.00 per transcript to:

Christie Odenwald
Marquette University High School
3401 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53208

For questions, contact Ms. Odenwald at, or call the school between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday-Friday, 414-933-7220.