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MUHS Family Tailgate Pregame, Menomonee Falls H.S.
MUHS Family Tailgate Pregame, Menomonee Falls H.S.
Track teammates at state championships

Hilltopper Philosophy

Marquette High's athletic program is one of the most successful in the state, not only in terms of accomplishments but, more importantly, in participation.

Annually, 65% of students participate in a sport, strong evidence of our commitment to providing ample opportunities for student participation. At least one non-cut sport is offered in each sport season and two freshman teams are fielded in multiple sports.

It is the athletic department's philosophy to focus on the big picture, which includes the school's mission "forming men for others who will act like Christ, who came 'not to be served but to serve.' " Followed closely by strong athletes. This is done by instilling life skills such as work ethic, morals and leadership that student-athletes can carry with them throughout their lives. Marquette student-athletes are coached to put the team ahead of their own individual needs. A performance component that encourages the athletes to perform at their absolute best, creates a sound formula for success.

Mr. Robert Herman '85 
Athletics Director
(414) 933-7220, ext. 3059

Ms. Angela Balistrieri
Administrative Assistant
(414) 933-7220, ext. 3041

Visit Teams Page

At MUHS, athletes have a proud tradition of excellence in building character through participation in sports.

MUHS offers 13 WIAA-sponsored sports, Alpine Ski Racing, and 7 club sports.

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Athletic Forms 

Any student intending to try-out for or participate on any team must have all forms completed and up-to-date BEFORE the first day of tryouts. 

For more information and links, visit Athletics Forms

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Noack Strength & Fitness Center

Dedicated to educating the whole person, we see the physical formation of our students as an integral part of Jesuit education


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