By The Rev. Doug Leonhardt, S.J.
In this reflection for May, the month of Mary, we will look at St. Ignatius’ relationship with Mary to encourage our own devotion to her.
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Every month during this school year, a reflection will be offered on the different meditations of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. The Spiritual Exercises are a pattern for a spiritual retreat based on St. Ignatius’ experience of growing in union with God.
Each of the presentations will be an opportunity to make a four-minute retreat. It will consist of a brief reflection, a short scripture or passage from Ignatius’ book, a reflection question and an action item.
It will be an opportunity to pause, take a deep breath, and let your soul and spirit be nourished by God.
September 2024: Getting God’s Perspective on Our Lives—A monthly four-minute retreat
Fr. Doug Leonhardt, S.J. is a Milwaukee native and graduated from Marquette High in 1956. He entered the Jesuits right after high school and was ordained in 1969. He has. Masters Degrees in Education and in Spirituality. His first assignment was Principal of Marquette High in Milwaukee. After that, he held other administrative posts: President of Marquette High, Associate Vice President for Mission and Ministry at Marquette University. Pastor of Gesu Church in Milwaukee and in the Society of Jesus as Director of Novices, Director of Jesuit Formation for the province, and superior of the community Jesuits in Assisted Living at St. Camillus. Currently he is Mission Associate at Marquette High and Alumni Chaplain. He loves giving retreats, spiritual direction, and talks on Ignatian Spirituality.
This is a series of short reflections on Jesuit Education, Ignatian Spirituality, the Society of Jesus, and the Social Justice Teaching of the Catholic Church by Fr. Doug Leonhardt, S.J. The reflections are intended to be a brief introduction to a topic that might lead to pursuing it more in more depth.
This is a program offered to parents and alumni. There are six Saturdays each academic year. In one hour, there is a Mass with a twenty minute homily, and a ten minute prayer/reflection period. Fr. Doug Leonhardt, S.J. is the presenter.
Saturdays with Ignatius, 2023-2024
Reflections on the Resurrection Appearance of Jesus and how the Resurrected Jesus invites us to live with hope and joy.
Saturdays with Ignatius, 2022-2023
Reflections on six Gospel personalities, how Jesus related with them, how they responded, and how Jesus relates with us in similar ways.
Saturdays with Ignatius, 2021-2022
A series of topics based on the Spiritual Exercises.
By The Rev. Doug Leonhardt, S.J.
In this reflection for May, the month of Mary, we will look at St. Ignatius’ relationship with Mary to encourage our own devotion to her.
By The Rev. Doug Leonhardt, S.J.
The apostle Thomas was not in the barricaded room with the other apostles when Jesus appeared to them on Easter Sunday. So, when they told Thomas they had seen the Lord, he refused to believe. He said that “unless I see the marks of the nails in Jesus’s hands and put my finger into the wounds and my hand into the wound in his side, I will not believe.”
By The Rev. Doug Leonhardt, S.J.
The Breastplate of St. Patrick prayer expresses St. Patrick’s intimate relationship with Christ and his trust that God is with him.
By The Rev. Doug Leonhardt, S.J.
Lent as a journey has a destination. What can we do this Lent to sharpen the focus and keep our eyes on the destination?
By The Rev. Doug Leonhardt, S.J.
Every year at the mother church of the Society of Jesus in Rome, the Gesu, the Jesuits and others gather for prayer on New Year’s Eve. The theme is gratitude for the blessings of the previous year.