Students at Marquette High

Tech Tips

Tech Tips for Succeeding in Virtual Learning:

1. Have a paper copy of the daily schedule next to where you do your work. Put it on the desktop of your computer. You will need information from this schedule often, and it is not efficient to look it up on-line whenever you need it.

2. Start each day, sometime before the first bell, by looking over your obligations for that day. Special attention should be paid to meetings you have to be at and assignments that are due. Is there anything you have coming up that you are not clear about? This gives you the time to look up any information you need, ask a classmate, or use the teacher's morning office hours (Meet or email) to get clarification.

3. Learn how to use your Google Calendar. Virtual learning can be hectic. Throughout a day, you may have Zoom meetings for your classes, Google Meets with your advisor, office hours you want to attend with your teacher, tests that have to be started at certain times, due dates for assignments and non-school events and appointments to keep track of. It may seem stressful to put all of this on a calendar, but students find knowing it is all in one place can decrease the stress. You will be able to enjoy your free time without the nagging fear that you are missing something you are supposed to be at.

The following videos will help you know how to use your calendar:
4. Use your alarms on your phone to recreate the bell schedule. When school is held at MUHS, you have the bells telling you when we are moving from one period to the next. Virtual school lacks these cues. If you frequently lose track of time and end up missing the start of a period you have to be at, consider setting 7 alarms on your phone, each two min before a class period starts.

5. Find a work space that works for you. Virtual learning does not mean that you can learn well anywhere. Find a space in your house that is quiet, conducive to work, and most importantly, free from distractions. It is easier to resist temptations for distraction if you are not physically near them.

6. Remember, multi-tasking is a myth. Having the soundless Netflix playing during a video conference will ruin your focus on the class and wreck your enjoyment of the show. Instead, work fully when it is time to work. and when you take a break, don't let school invade your break.

7. Make use of Office Hours. Everyday, help from your teacher is only a click away. Showing up at office hours is not bothering the teacher. He or she wants to help answer questions you have or discuss problems you are having.

Tech Tips for Succeeding in Virtual Learning

Student Guidelines on Curriculum, Assessments and Grading

Strength and Conditioning - Fitness Resources

Online Learning FAQs

-- document last updated 4-22-20

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