Science Olympiad
Team History
Team History
As a team, Marquette University High School Science Olympiad learns about the natural world around us, and through the exploration of it, the friendship between each of our many members grows. What exactly we explore about the world could be anything. Whether it’s the behavior of electrical currents, running several titrations or dilutions, studying the structure of essential proteins, or even what conditions plants live in best, different members of the team study it all.
previous accomplishments:
- 3rd at State
- 3rd at State
- State tournament canceled due to COVID-19
- 1st at State
- 14th at Nationals
- 1st in 2 national events
- Highest-ranked private school
- 1st at State, reigning State Champions
- 4th at Nationals
- 1st at 3 national events
- Highest-ranked private school
- 1st at State, reigning State Champions
- 11th at Nationals
- 4 National Medalists
- Highest-ranked private school
- 1st at State, reigning State Champions
- 10th at Nationals
Varsity Members on State Rosters
The success is not limited to Science Olympiad. Below, you will find a list of varsity members who competed on a state roster or were slated to compete at a state tournament, and where they are now. All members with an * were founding members:
Class of 2017
Connor Johnson* - Air Force Academy
Jake Klenz* - UW-Madison
Class of 2018
Dan Cesarz - Illinois Technical Institute
Stephen Foley* - UW-Madison
Keegan Gruss* - UW-Madison
Sai Nagisetti* UW-Madison
John Price - UW-Madison
Jayce Stazak - UW-Madison
Josh Surges* - UW-Madison
Class of 2019
John Baylon - UW-Madison
Kevin Carrig - Air Force Academy
Aidan Grogan - University of Chicago
Dominic Kowalik* - Merchant Marines
Michael Rose* - Caltech
Jonathan Sargent - UW-Eau Claire
Joey Yamat - UW-Madison
Class of 2020
Carlos Ayala - Caltech
Mika Chang - UW-Madison
Sal Fragrassi - MSOE
Jonathan Schimmels - Marquette University
Michael Sohn - UW-Madison
Ben Zeidler - Northwestern University
Class of 2021
Zach Baldridge - Case Western Reserve University
Ayden Ellis - Notre Dame University
Mason Leffler - University of Washington - St. Louis
Jake Piotrowski - Colorado School of Mines
Aidan Reno - University of Dayton
Patrick Schlosser - Notre Dame University
Class of 2022
David Arthur - Northwestern University
Tyler Chang - UW-Madison
Mitchell Dees - Columbia University
Nathan Petrucci - Purdue University
Michael Rentmeester - Xavier University
Thomas Rose - Caltech
Ian Walsh - Olin College of Engineering
Patrick Walsh - Stanford Univeristy
John Wood - Yale University
Class of 2023
Josh Collier - Michigan Technical Institute
Matthew Eskritt - Boston University
Thomas Ragonese - Marquette University
Ethan Reske - Grinnell College
Cole Simi - Purdue University
Class of 2024
Vuk Jovanovic - Rice University
Vuk Jovanovic - Rice University
August Neumann - University of Chicago
Cameron Pajot - University of Wisconsin @ Madision
Ronak Patel - Stanford
Bryce Roder - Colorado School of Mines
Kolbe Schlosser - Notre Dame
Nathan Stuart - Purdue
Jacob Wood - Northwestern University
9th Annual Marquette Invitational
9th Annual Marquette University High School Division C Invitational (High School)
Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024
Tournament Director - Nicole Williams,
Registration now open: Registration Link
This form will allow teams to register for the Marquette University High School Division B and C Invitational on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024.
This will be planned as an in-person invitational. This invite will be limited to 40 teams per division. All schools will be able to register two teams. If there is space, teams will be allowed to register up to six teams. (You will be notified of additional team admittance by Oct. 14). If you are interested in having more teams, please let us know and we will do our best to honor this request.
The registration fee for the in-person tournament will be $150 per team for the first two teams. Any teams beyond this number will be $100. See note above on additional teams.
You can fill out this form to reserve a spot for your team(s) at our tournament but positions will not be secured until payment is received. Payment is due by Nov. 1, 2024. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Nicole Williams, tournament director.
In the past coaches have not been required to write tests or run events. While this is the goal for this year, we are adding a B division and moving away from the January date (when many alumni are home from school) so we cannot guarantee this will be the case. Please indicate if there is an event that you could help run/write when you register. We will let people know by Oct. 1 if coaches will be asked to provide events.
In-Person Tournament Policies
The In-person tournament for both Divisions C will be on Saturday, Nov. 16, 2024. Below are a list of some of the policies that will be in effect for this tournament:
- Students, coaches, and spectators are only allowed to take pictures of their own team’s devices and competitions. This will be strictly enforced by event supervisors and tournament personnel and may result in team penalties being assessed.
- Event signups will be handled through Avogadro.
- Scoring will be handled through Avogadro.
- The awards ceremony will begin immediately following competition. Specific award places and divisions will be determined after the number of competing teams is determined.
Regional Tournament
Regional Tournament Division B (Middle School)
Saturday, March 1, 2024
Tournament Director - Nicole Williams,
All 23 National Events and 5 Wisconsin events will be run at this regional tournament. The Wisconsin state schedule will be followed. There will be an awards ceremony after all events have been completed.
Remember that if your team plans to compete more than one team at regionals, you must have registered multiple teams with the state.
Regional assignments will be made by Wisconsin Science Olympiad and team numbers are posted with the schedule when they are available
Regional Tournament Time Schedule:
Team Check-In Begins: 7:45 a.m.
Impound: 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
First Event Start Time: 9:30 a.m.
Last Event End Time: 3:20 p.m.
Awards Start Time: 4:00 p.m.
Coaches with questions are asked to contact either Wisconsin Science Olympiad or Regional Tournament Director Nicole Williams.