Counseling Services
the philosophy of Counseling at Marquette University High School has its roots in the Latin term "cura personalis."
The Catholic, Jesuit concept of cura personalis, which translates as care of the whole person, suggests individualized attention to the needs of others, distinct respect for unique circumstances and concerns, and an appropriate appreciation for singular gifts and insights.
The purpose of the Counseling Department at Marquette University High School is to help the student grow into a happier, more complete, and more dedicated faith-filled person. An adviser can help him clarify his feelings and extend his knowledge about himself and his environment. This enables the student to gain greater freedom in making intelligent and responsible decisions.
Each sophomore, junior and senior at Marquette University High School chooses an advisor. At the end of the school year, students choose an adviser from the list of counselors and faculty who wish to serve in this capacity. The freshmen have a special affective education class called PAY, Positive Alternatives for Youth, which meets one period a week. The freshmen groups are facilitated by a faculty member or counselor who become the student's advisor for the year.
Confidentiality and Its Limits
What is said in the context of individual counseling or advising sessions, as well as in Support and PAY groups, is confidential within certain limits. Those limits to confidentiality include the threat of serious and imminent danger to a student's well-being such as: suicidal intentions; the intent to seriously harm another; concern that a serious alcohol/drug problem may exist; cases of physical or sexual abuse or sexual assault. In such cases, school personnel are obligated to get help for the student by contacting the student's parent/guardian and in cases of abuse, civil authorities.
If it is reported to us that a student is suicidal, we will confer with the student as well as his parent/guardian to make sure he receives assistance. If a problem of a serious nature regarding a student at another school comes to our attention, we will contact the Guidance Department at that school to ensure the student gets the help he or she needs.
Counselor Corner
Often after semester grades are viewed, parents ask the question, "What can I do to help my son?" This is a valid and caring question from a loving parent. I believe this article on how to form good study habits presents a good perspective regarding how parents can help their son(s) in the long run versus the short run. As parents, we want to help and create immediate change. Teaching and modeling for them that establishing a solid foundation, good habits and routines, and learning to use time well so we can be efficient learners will produce the best results in the long term. This translates into a life skill. It gives them confidence that they can control their outcome and empowers them as a student to desire continued improvement.
Counseling Team

Jennifer Reuchlen

Annette Cleary