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Summer Basketball Camp 2025

Boys entering Grades 4-8 and incoming 9th Grade

Entering 4th - 5th Grade: June 16-19, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.; $100  (limited to 30)
Entering 6th Grade: June 16-19, Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.; $100  (limited to 40)
Entering 7th Grade: June 16-19, Monday-Thursday, 12:15 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.; $100  (limited to 40)
Entering 8th Grade*: July 21-24, Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.; $115  (limited to 40)
Incoming 9th Grade*: July 21-24, Monday-Thursday, 10:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.; $115
*Note - new camp dates for 8th and 9th grade (updated 12-13-24)

Location: MUHS, 3401 W. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee

Camp Coordinator: Varsity Head Coach Casey Kowalewski,

Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
Grade Student Entering in Fall 2025required

Health Insurance Requirement
Each student participating in a summer sports camp must be covered by a parent or guardian's health insurance policy. Marquette University High School does not provide health insurance coverage for athletes. In any sport, especially contact sports, there is a risk of injury. Injuries to organs, paralysis and even death may occur. Students without health insurance may not participate.

Waiver Agreement Information
By checking the "I Agree" box below, I, as the parent or guardian of the student being registered, give permission for him to participate in the camps offered by Marquette University High School. I understand that some of the camp activities are designed to increase workload on the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system and thereby improve their function. There exists the possibility of certain changes or risks occurring during any physical activity. They include muscle soreness, fatigue, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, irregular, fast or slow heart rhythm, and in rare instances, heart attack, stroke, or death. While these changes in addition to injury are rare, they are possible and cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. As the parent/guardian of the named student, it is my responsibility to provide any medical information which may affect his full participation in the camp and to report any adverse reactions or injury resulting from participation. A physical completed within the last year does not provide any reason why he should not participate in this camp or any of its activities. If some emergency should occur I give the camp staff permission to seek medical attention and provide care according to their best judgment. I also understand that because safety is of the most importance during such activities, participants who do not behave appropriately will be asked to sit out for the session, with continued misbehavior being just cause for termination of camp participation.

I have read the above form and fully understand it, agreeing to the camp rules. Any questions have been fully answered to my satisfaction. I hereby release the camp staff and Marquette University High School from any liability incurred through its camps.

Waiver Agreementrequired
Media Release Information
As the parent or legal guardian, I give permission for my child to be included in photographs, videos, or articles generated by Marquette University High School for official school and promotional use.​​​​
Media Releaserequired


Registration 4th-5th Grade
There are no longer any available
You have reached your allowed limit
Max: 1
Registration 6th Grade
You have reached your allowed limit
Max: 1
Registration 7th Grade
You have reached your allowed limit
Max: 1
Registration 8th Grade
You have reached your allowed limit
Max: 1
Registration 9th Grade
You have reached your allowed limit
Max: 1
No refunds will be given after form and payment have been submitted.

Payment Information

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